Singer Songwriter
Acoustic Americana Rock

Originals & Covers

This is Me
Some say songwriting is a painful and torturous practice but I don't feel that way. For me it's always been therapy, a form of recovery, a means of healing. Don't get me wrong, I have songs that I have been trying to finish for 20 years, but that's the process. I don't ever try to force it, instead, I get out of it's way. And sure there are some like "Its All Right" that was written in an hour on a Saturday afternoon over a tuna sandwich. Those are the ones that we don't even know where they came from. They are already written deep in our souls and we need to find ourselves in a place for it to fall out (thank you bumble bee). You know I find it quite uncomfortable to be considered an "artist." To me that's Van Gogh, that's Prince, that's Beethoven. An artist finds higher ground and breaks through the ceiling. I'm just some guy singing what he feels with a box and some strings attached to it. But, why then? Why do it? Because one of the most treasured things for me is when someone digs a song that I wrote or relates to a line or feels the sincerity in what is being delivered. To me that's what it's all about.........